On April 7, 2023, all active SOPA accounts were migrated to re:Search®NM. Anyone with an active SOPA account should have received an email with instructions for logging into re:Search®NM. If you have an active SOPA account and did not receive an email notice, please email support@nmcourts.gov.
As provided by the New Mexico Supreme Court Order and the Case Access Policy for Online Court Records, there are three ways to access New Mexico public court records:
- Case Lookup for the general public
- Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) for registered users
- re:Search®NM for registered users
Court records for the New Mexico Appellate Courts, District Courts, Magistrate Courts, Metropolitan Court, and Municipal Court are available online at the New Mexico Case Lookup. To request access to records prior to 1997, complete an online request here.
- Documents are not available through Case Lookup.
- For security purposes, Personal Identifying Information (PII), such as social security numbers and address information is not available.
- Municipal court data is limited to criminal Domestic Violence and DWI historic convictions beginning September 1, 1991.
- Effective July 1, 2007, the New Mexico Judiciary no longer displays juvenile criminal cases.
- Effective July 1, 2008, the New Mexico Judiciary no longer displays Family Violence Protection Act Order of Protection cases.
For some Case Lookup search instructions, see the last section below.
re:Search®NM is a software application that provides access to Odyssey court case information and documents to registered users. It provides access to civil, criminal, family, and probate cases from appellate, district, magistrate and metropolitan courts by user profile based on guidelines developed by the New Mexico Supreme Court and the Online Access Subcommittee of the Judicial Technology Council.
re:Search®NM is the replacement for Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA), and all active SOPA accounts were migrated to re:Search®NM on April 7, 2023. Anyone with an active SOPA account should have received an email with re:Search®NM login credentials. Users are asked to use re:Search®NM, as the SOPA application will be retired in May 2023.
Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) – REGISTRATION REQUIRED
At this time, SOPA has not yet been fully replaced by re:Search®NM while issues that have been encountered are being resolved. Anyone who applied for a re:Search®NM account through support@nmcourts.gov will also receive the equivalent SOPA account for the duration. Users who have been provided SOPA credentials through the Service Desk can go to https://securecourtcaseaccess.nmcourts.gov to login. Attorneys who already have self-registered for a re:Search®NM account can receive a SOPA Tier 1 and Attorney of Record account by sending an email to support@nmcourts.gov that includes their current contact information and CAID number. If requesting higher tier access, see the Tiers, Glossary, and Application Forms section.
Types of re:Search®NM users and how they get access:
- Attorneys of Record and Pro Hac Vice attorneys with a CAID number from the New Mexico Supreme Court will self-register on the re:Search®NM site to receive an account with Attorney of Record / Tier 1 access. Go to https://researchnm.tylerhost.net and click on the Register link. Nothing else is required to start using re:Search®NM. Attorneys requesting access higher than Tier 1, see the guidelines below for Tier 2.
- Attorneys requesting Tier 2 access will self-register with a CAID number as noted above, and then submit a Tier 2 Attorney application form to the service desk requesting Tier 2 access.
- Attorney staff will self-register and then submit an Attorney Staff application form to the service desk. The form must be signed by their supervising attorney prior to submitting.
- Justice Partners will self-register and then submit a Justice Partner application form to the service desk.
- FBI Justice Partners will self-register and then submit the FBI Justice Partner application form to the service desk.
- Press will self-register and then submit a Press application form to the service desk.
- Self-Represented Litigants must self-register for their re:Search®NM account and then submit the SRL Application form to the service desk.
See the “Tiers and Application Forms” section to download the applicable form.
Glossary of Terms
Attorney = Attorney licensed by the New Mexico Bar Association, in possession of a New Mexico Supreme Court CAID number, and in good standing.
Attorney Staff = Staff working under the direct supervision of an attorney.
Justice Partner = State, municipal (per NMSA 1978, Section 3-1-2(G)) or federal law enforcement, corrections agencies, compliance programs (per NMSA 1978, Section 31-20-5.1), municipal judges and court staff, tribal court judges and tribal court staff, and any state or federal agency involved in adult, family or child welfare.
Pro Hac Vice = Out of state licensed attorney admitted to practice by the New Mexico Supreme Court on a specific case.
Press = Includes any person who regularly gathers, prepares, photographs, records, writes, edits, reports, or publishes news or information about matters of
public interest in any medium, and who successfully applies to participate in online access and agrees to comply with all court rules.
Self-Represented Litigant (SRL) = A person or party, marked as Pro Se in their case, who advocates on their own behalf before a court, rather than being represented by an attorney.
Secured Odyssey Public Access (SOPA) – REGISTRATION REQUIRED
At this time, SOPA has not yet been fully replaced by re:Search®NM while issues that have been encountered are being resolved. Anyone who applied for a re:Search®NM account through support@nmcourts.gov will also receive the equivalent SOPA account for the duration. Users who have been provided SOPA credentials through the Service Desk can go to https://securecourtcaseaccess.nmcourts.gov to login. Attorneys who already have self-registered for a re:Search®NM account can receive a SOPA Tier 1 and Attorney of Record account by sending an email to support@nmcourts.gov that includes their current contact information and CAID number. If requesting higher tier access, see the Tiers, Glossary, and Application Forms section.
Court records and documents for the New Mexico Appellate Courts, District Courts, Magistrate Courts, and Metropolitan Court are available online for those who meet the criteria.
Due to varying restrictions on public access for certain case types as provided by law, cases in re:Search®NM are divided into three tiers with three corresponding levels of access, which are defined as follows:
Tier 1: Most cases that are viewable in re:Search®NM fall within Tier 1, including most civil, probate, domestic relations, domestic violence, parentage proceedings, and criminal case types. To request access to view cases in Tier 1 you must complete Part A of the application and the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts’ Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Tier 2.1: Cases in Tier 2.1 include delinquency proceedings in Children’s Court cases. To request access to view Tier 2 cases in re:Search®NM, you must complete Part B of this application, and the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement. Tier 2.1 does not include cases restricted to Tier 2.5 noted below.
Tier 2.5: Cases in Tier 2.5 are subject to strict confidentiality protections. Tier 2.5 cases include proceedings under the Abuse and Neglect Act, the Families in need of Court-Ordered Services Act, adoption proceedings, and mental health proceedings. Only Law Enforcement Officers may view these cases.
Application Forms for re:Search®NM and SOPA
The applicant requesting access must submit their own application from their own email address for confirmation purposes. Only one application per email.
- Attorneys of Record, Attorneys working for Justice Partners, and Attorney Pro Hac Vice – no application form is required for re:Search®NM or who do not have a SOPA account. Self-register with a CAID number at https://researchnm.tylerhost.net and click on the Register link.
- Attorneys requesting Tier 2.1 access will self-register with a CAID number as noted above, and then submit: Attorney Tier 2.1 Application
- Attorney staff submit: Attorney Staff Application
- Justice Partners submit: Justice Partner Application
- FBI Justice Partners submit: FBI Justice Partner Application
- Press submit: Press Application
- Self-Represented Litigants can click here for the Quick-Start Guide, and must follow these steps to register for access to re:Search®NM:
- Self-register for an account here: https://researchnm.tylerhost.net
- Submit the SRL Application form to the JID Service Desk (click here for the SRL application)
Self-Represented Litigants can get access to cases on which they are marked Pro Se.
Self-Represented Litigants can click here for the Quick-Start Guide, and must follow these steps to register for access to re:Search®NM:
- Self-register for an account here: https://researchnm.tylerhost.net
- Submit the SRL Application form to the JID Service Desk (click here for the SRL application)
re:Search®NM FAQs
Quick-Reference Guide
Quick-Reference Guide for Self-Represented Litigants
User guide for navigating through and using features in re:Search®NM
Type of Court: DCourt Location: 202Case Category: CVYear: 2002Case Number: [00]132
Attorney Information: First and Last Name are required; Middle name is optional
Attorney Number: This is the CAID number, not the Bar Number
Case Status: Select All, Open, or Closed
Date Filed: Enter date by using slashes. Example: 09/05/1958
Sort By: Select Filed Date, Filed Date Reverse or Status
Results returned can be filtered by:
Case Status: All (default), Open, or Closed
Date Filed: “On or After” a given date OR “On or Before” a given date